The Enemy is Us
Here’s a thought:
Any view is defined from the opposing
end of that view’s spectrum. The idea came to me, while I was entertaining
guests at a birthday party for my daughter. I was able to “geek out” with a
couple of guests, and in the pursuit of doing so I heard someone tell me that
“most comics are left of center.” The context for the statement was that there
was a particular group that was advocating “right-of-center” comics, but that
they were met with fierce opposition from within the community. (I wasn’t aware
of this, but I assume that all hell broke loose because of it.) I found the
idea odd, that we need comics written “right-of-center.” No comic book
writer/film critic/author writes content that establishes a worldview based on
their enemy’s characterization of them—that is, I wouldn’t specifically write a book that was “liberal” because a
critic of mine suggested that I was “liberal.” I would assume that they
would write a story that reflected their own beliefs. I write stories that discuss
things that interest me. I am not out to incite arguments. But I write what I
write because I find that content interesting to me.
I find, that when someone (person B) characterizes your
views (person A) as their opposite, what is happening behind the scenes is an
instilling of existential competition, to validate beliefs of the original
critic (person B) as valid, or more valid. I see this a lot in religion because
I am a Christian and people are often insecure about their faith (myself
included). I see instances where a layman witnesses same-sex marriage become validated
by popular culture or reads about a scientific finding that sheds doubt on
aspects of Christian orthodoxy, and their initial reaction is to characterize
the supporters of those positions as being in opposition to his/her own. It’s therapeutic,
ultimately, to be validated by creating an enemy. The stakes are higher now.
And because enemies ultimately “lose,” we are invigorated when we read or hear
something that sheds doubt on our opponent’s position.
The unintended
effect is that we create our enemies
as a toxic pursuit to escape our fears,
rather than confront them and try to make sense of them.
What should we do, then, to avoid this?
Sorry, I have no idea. But I have thoughts.
See, going back to my opening point. If I write
something that inadvertently challenges the worldview of another person, the
onus is on that offended party to confront me and ask me in an understanding
way why I have that position. Because I am not intentionally trying to offend
someone. I’m, in most cases, just writing a story, or creating art, that resonates
with me. The specter that we create of our enemies is a strawman that we sling mud
upon rather than making an attempt to bridge the gap and attempt to understand any
view different from our own.
interesting example: there was a time when I thought I was going to be a
pastor of a Christian church. The unfortunate thing about this, was that I was
very involved with the viewpoint of a certain pastor and I had purchased all
his books and followed all his sermons. When I would confront a viewpoint that
was different or, worst, in opposition to this pastor, I would write it off as
poor scholarship on the opponent’s part. Then I was told an interesting
anecdote as I was venting my frustrations our on my sponsoring mentor. If you read one author (his works in
total), then you are a clone. If you read two authors, you’re confused. If you
read three authors, you begin to develop an ecumenical understanding of
knowledge pertinent to that topic.
This applies to everything: cooking, knitting,
philosophy, politics, video games, religion, film, etc. What I don’t want you (reader) to take away
from this is that your viewpoint is invalidated, or diminished, once you’ve
reached this point of ecumenical understanding of your topic. What I desire you
to take away is that people believe certain things because it’s personal to
them, and there is a story behind that belief. When enough people are
like-minded, they coalesce into a larger entity that takes core values (but not all of
them) and synthesizes a new position that lacks the multifaceted explanations
of certain beliefs.
In light of social media, I am convinced more and more
that Facebook and other platforms are a cancer to our ecumenical understandings
because they have condensed
conversations and familiarity into statements and surface level understanding.
Chew on that for a bit.